Pepsi Lipton Case Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Problem identification

Either to go for the social media promotion strategy or the conventional TV advertisements. Furthermore it also deals with budget allocation between the traditional TV ads and new social media.

Situation analysis


The target market for this brisk brand is young adults. The reason is quiet simple, because these young adults do not like hot conventional drinks and are more focused towards the more refreshing and energetic drink like brisk or other energy drinks.


The competition in the industry was quiet high because this category was flourishing in a rapid pace. As per the statistics of 2010, the ready to drink tea was the fastest growing in the liquid beverage industry because it offers an entire different taste and refreshes one’s mind with diversified range of flavors.


The actual product brisk, a ready to drink cold tea belongs to Lipton (Unilever). The company’s major motive was to boost the brand image of the brisk with the help of world renowned beverage market leader Pepsi. Pepsi is counted among the world’s largest brands and launching the brisk again with the help of Pepsi Company would for sure benefit brisk.


Back in the year 1991, Thomas J. Lipton Company (which belongs to Unilever) and Pepsi Company formed a joint-venture on 50-50 basis called the Pepsi and Lipton Tea Partnership (PLP), for different core purposes like sales, marketing and distributing the energetic ready to drink tea in North America having a diversified range of flavors. The partnership has been given extension two times, in the year 2003 and in the year 2007, to include further international Market places under Pepsi-Lipton International partnership. This massive and valued collaboration allowed the well-established Lipton to take benefit of

PepsiCo’s robust existence in markets across the globe and from its extremely well developed distribution networks

Two alternatives not chosen for recommendation

The option named “That’s Brisk, Baby” which will consider the rebirth scenarios seems good. It was the Mekanism’s very first concept which stated that there should be a direct flashback of Brisk’s famous 1990s promotion campaign. The idea was that, video ads will project Claymation dummy versions of most popular celebrities and some fictional appeals experiencing some kind of identity disaster, then after drinking brisk one finds himself more energetic and motivated to solve issue. But this alternative might hurt the brand image because people are looking for more creativity these days so the reflection of 1990’s won’t work here. Moreover target market would not like the puppets in the ads because young adults have no interest in puppets.....................

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