University of California, collection of Berkeley Haas. The Mozilla case scenario illustrated Debbie Cohen’s, Vice President and Chief of People, essential initiatives in a software entity that was clearly one of the innovators of “open source” campaign. The case scenario showcases Mozilla’s un-identical culture of dispersed decision making and leadership that is delegated - it's a modest staff of over 1,100 and millions of volunteers around the world.
The case also showcases Cohen's advanced, yet tailored, gift strategy for Mozilla, and execution of a succession of initiatives associated with development, on-boarding, and settlement. The case study reasons in April 2013, when Cohen is able to reflect on her time working at this kind of unique and some would say "cultish" organization.
People Operations at Mozilla Corporation Scaling a Peer-to-Peer Global Community case study solution
This is just an excerpt. This case is about LEADERSHIP & MANAGING PEOPLE