2001 bankruptcy filing in the Bethlehem Steel inspires daughter to assess employee pension plans of his father, a week after the tragedy of September 11 exacerbated the weakening U.S. economy, and in just a few months before her father decided to retire. Battered stock markets and falling interest rates predict "pension crisis", while the daughter learns about the history and role of the state in the U.S. defined benefit pension plans. She tries to apply their newly acquired skills of Finance, MBA student assess the true condition of assets and liabilities of the pension plan and to advise her father of his impending departure from the historically dominant American company that has lost its competitiveness in the world manufacturers. "Hide
by Peter Tufano, Zvi Bodie, Akiko M. Mitsui Source: Harvard Business School 16 pages. Publication date: April 22, 2002. Prod. #: 202088-PDF-ENG