Pedigree Vs. Grit Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Pedigree Vs. Grit Case Solution 

Question 6

Part A

Bob and Rockefeller are assigned the R. Using the new regression equation - 1.55292 and 0 will be 0.68888.

Part B

The age coefficient is directly proportional to the MBA or TEN coefficients. In the first regression, where the other variables are kept constant, the age coefficient is negative.

Question 7

Part A

The figure above shows that the average returns of growth and income funds are different, with GRI 1 and 0, respectively. GRI 0 and 1 have different variations.

Part B

Instead of linear regression analysis, a t test was performed, which showed that the t test on one tail was a total of 0.006996455 and the t test on both tails was 0.063954418. Therefore, suppose that the income base influences the growth fund, and if the income base increases, so does the income base.

Question 8

Part A

The calculated excess return is negative, lower than the return on the market portfolio. Therefore, it should not be maintained by the Bob and Putney Growth Fund. Determine the return on the market portfolio using the average GRI value and the standard GRI rate of return, minimizing each, and then re-averaging all excess returns to calculate the growth rate.

Part B

No, we do not know whether the fund will win the market as the extra-or additional return is considered negative or even lower than the return on the market portfolio.

Part C

If the standard error is kept at 53%, the return on the market portfolio interest rate is estimated at 1.5%. Moreover, by calculating the following standard error calculation, we can be sure that the market portfolio ratio exceeds 1.5%.

Question 9

Regression analysis to estimate RET values ​​and therefore to increase the sample. So, this has a significant impact on estimates not previously calculated.

Question 10

Part A

The table above shows with the same training, the same experience and previous GRI executives. In addition, most RETs are negative and the leader’s grade is better than the SAT because the older you are, the more experience you have and an MBA, as shown in the graph above, the manager is 44 years old on average.

Part B

The MBA has had a manager for 41 years and no MBA manager for 24 years, the average cannot be calculated. We believe that several funds have an MBA leader. Compared to executives who do not have an MBA and a wider range of their activities, they have extensive knowledge of the mutual fund market.

Question 11

Bob was in Putney and the situation was analyzed instead of regression analysis. Obviously, we need to hire Putney instead of Bob because he has an MBA and needs to earn higher performance based on SAT, AGE and MBA. With an MBA, you are more familiar with the diversity of the mutual fund market than Bob and are more likely to get more returns on your growth and income funds. Therefore, the expected Putney outperforms Bob.

Exhibit 1: Question 2

BOB (1.70) 1.00 1,042.00 - 35.00 5.00
ROCKEFELLER 0.40 1.00 1,355.00 1.00 32.00 2.00

Exhibit 2: Question 4

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.0191
R Square 0.0004
Adjusted R Square (0.0015)
Standard Error 8.51
Observations 540.00


  Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%
Intercept       (0.72)        0.59       (1.22)        0.22       (1.89)        0.44
MBA (X)        0.33        0.75        0.44        0.66       (1.15)        1.82


Pedigree Vs. Grit Case Solution

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