Patient safety is an important issue in health care and is a problem in almost all health facilities. The challenge is to change the culture so that all health care providers to put patient safety as job one. Traditionally, doctors have suggested that the safety of patients is associated with a particular error. In contrast, patient safety is a system and cultural change. Joint Chief of Staff of the average community hospital wants to address patient safety by acting on his fellow physicians to change the practice of patient care without appearing paternalistic. Arena care and changing attitudes is a new concept in the Grand River Hospital. The case discusses the various means that the joint chief of staff can use to enter a patient safety culture in the hospital. "Hide
by Murray J. Bryant, Alex Cestnik, Ashok Sharma Source: Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation 14 pages. Publication Date: November 21, 2012. Prod. #: W12328-PDF-ENG