Joe Kennedy, president and CEO of Pandora, one of the largest and most popular Internet (Internet) radio, and just got some bad news. Council Copyright Royalty (CRB) has announced its decision to increase royalties must be paid to the web radio industry by 2.5 times over the next five years, effectively pressing profitability Pandora out of sight. Pandora was the "Webcaster", which was based on the draft Music Genome, which codified the various attributes of the song (to make "music DNA"). Using this technology, Pandora can provide a selection of songs with similar "music DNA" to the initial choice of the user. Pandora, however, along with other webcasters, was subject to a special statutory scheme regarding royalties, which were higher than the fees for satellite radio, and from which the AM / FM radio are fully released. This case examines issues of copyright, economy of new media, and specialized laws established to control the new subset of existing industry. "Hide
by Robert C. Pozen, Alex Rosenfeld Source: HBS 22 pages. Publication Date: August 6, 2009. Prod. #: 310026-PDF-ENG