When consumers are reluctant to take innovation, because it requires them to change established habits, innovation, innovation is called stable. Uses research involving diffusion screwcap wine closures in three countries - Australia, New Zealand and the United States - to analyze the marketing strategy of sustainable innovation. For wine, screw cap closure is the solution "cork taint," the problem of quality, which can be caused by poor-quality cork and which may affect the taste of wine. But consumers have shown resistance to the closure of the screw cap, connecting them with cheap wine or preferring the traditions associated with a cork. But among wine consumers in Australia and New Zealand, the screw cap is widely recognized. But in 2005 the wine industry statistics show that less than 5% of U.S. wineries used screw caps on fine wines. Why this difference? Earlier studies in 2004, found few differences between the U.S. consumer's fault, and in Australia and New Zealand - with the exception of their relation to the screw cap. interview decision-makers at more than two dozen wineries in the three countries, and concludes that the winemakers in Australia and New Zealand generally different approach to marketing the closing screw cap wine than the United States has made wine., it is concluded that under certain circumstances coopetition strategies that are associated with some cooperation between competitive firms, can be an effective marketing strategy of sustainable innovation. Suggests that managers should analyze marketing challenges and new faces of innovation resources to solve it, to consider specific types of resources and knowledge that can be exchanged for coopetition and evaluate industry climate, including the role of professional associations and industry experts. "Hide
by Rosanna Garcia Fleura Bardhi, Colette Friedrich Source: MIT Sloan Management Review 9 pages. Publication Date: July 1, 2007. Prod. #: SMR258-PDF-ENG