For many years the company has expanded its product lines in an effort to better meet the needs of different clients. Typically, they do this by adding new flavors, package sizes, composition, functions and capabilities. As a result, while The Coca-Cola Company sold one time formulation of cola, it now sells more than ten. It has long been believed that the range of products is good for consumers, and that a broader range of logically will better meet their diverse preferences, the more narrow range. However, the authors call this variety-is-good "faith in question, shows that in cases where the choice deferral" is an option to add a second attractive alternative to what has been one alternative increases the frequency of the sets do not make choices. Results they are talking with a potential negative impact of assortment on consumer choice - an effect they call overchoice. Four strategies are described faced negative consequences overchoice.
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by Dilip Soman , John T. Gourville Source: Rotman School of Management, 5 pages. Publication Date: September 1, 2005. Prod. #: ROT016-PDF-ENG