Olympic Group (OG) was an Egyptian white goods giant, which made products such as water heaters, fans and cookers. In 1997, O. decided to buy IDEAL, large state firms white goods. Being a monopoly on the market, IDEAL has been a strong brand and market share, which made it very attractive to the OG. Furthermore, the products that are produced IDEAL - refrigerators and washing machines - complements products Og. A year after the acquisition, OM had to deal with several issues such as the integration of the staff of the two companies, increasing the productivity of employees, changing the image of the brand IDEAL, and improvement of products ideal. Accordingly, within the next month, CEO had to decide whether to start with changing the image of the brand IDEAL or integration within the two companies. He also had to consider how and when to integrate the staff of the two companies without compromising overall performance. What methods it should use to improve employee productivity, especially in the ideal? In what areas should be working to improve the image of the ideal brand without affecting its market share? What changes in the products IDEAL were needed to maintain its competitiveness and market share? "Hide
by Marina Apaydin, Hend Mostafa Source: Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation 12 pages. Publication Date: 09 May 2012. Prod. #: W12007-PDF-ENG