Oil Production For Wyoming Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Oil Production For Wyoming Case Study Solution

Empirical Model

The empirical models in this study are used to analyze the data through regression analysis. This analysis has been performed to show the kind of relationship that exists between different variables. In order to analyze the correlation between different variables, regression analysis is found to be very authentic, and it provides strong evidences based on the data available. The following relation has been developed and analyzed.

  • Relationship of GDP with Crude Oil Prices. (US Dollars per Barrel)
  • Relationship of GDP with Oil Production for Wyoming.
  • Relationship of GDP and Wyoming Population.
  • Relationship of Wyoming Population and Oil Production.
  • Relationship between Crude Oil Prices (US Dollars per Barrel) and Oil Production for Wyoming.

Empirical Results

Table4.1: Regression between GDP and Crude Oil Prices (US Dollars per Barrel)

Table 4.1 shows a negative relationship between the variables, for every dollar increase in the crude oil price, the GDP of Wyoming decreases by $4.8.

Table 4.2: Regression between GDP and Oil Production for US

Table 4.2 shows that a negative relation exists between both the variables, which mean that they are not correlated to each other.

Table 4.3: Regression between GDP and Wyoming Population

Table 4.3 shows that a weak positive relation exists between both the variables, which mean that they are weakly correlated to each other.

Table 4.4: Regression between Wyoming Population and Oil Production

Table 4.4 shows that a negative relation exists between both the variables, which mean that they are not correlated to each other.

Table 4.5: Regression between Crude Oil Prices (US Dollars per Barrel) and Oil Production for Wyoming

Table 4.5 shows that a negative relation exists between both the variables, which mean that they are not correlated to each other.

Table 4.6: Regression between Oil productions, Crude Oil Prices (US Dollars per Barrel), GDP and US Population

The regression equation for oil production is

Oil production = 3.05 - 34.68 (Population) + 4005.64 (Crude oil prices) - 97.55 (GDP)

In this equation the oil production is dependent variable where all other variables are the explanatory variables that is effecting the oil production in the United States. Here constant 3.05 shows that when all variables are equal to zero than the oil production in United States will be 3.05 barrels.


After analyzing the whole data; it has been found that only GDP has positive relationship with the population, since an increase in the population positively contributes in the GDP of the state. All other variables have a negative relationship with the GDP, which are in line with the general statistics, since population is increasing with a small margin, whereas the GDP is growing more with an ever decreasing production of crude oil. Hence it can be concluded that increase in oil prices with a decrease in the production of crude oil does not positively contribute towards the GDP of the state, whereas increase in the population contributes positively towards the GDP of the state.


Data Details

Year GDP Crude Oil Prices (US Dollars per Barrel) Oil Production Population
1987 46585 19 9871000 489451
1988 47652 16 9102000 490787
1989 49380 20 8970000 491780
1990 50814 24 8551000 494300
1991 53656 22 8472000 494657
1992 53921 21 7866000 500017
1993 54930 18 7301000 503453
1994 55848 17 6470000 509106
1995 57642 18 6503000 514157
1996 63428 22 6330000 522667
1997 65471 21 5939000 534876
1998 69182 14 5263000 546043
1999 66320 19 5042000 559851
2000 64603 30 5056000 564513
2001 63985 26 4760000 567725
2002 60777 26 4620000 576765
2003 60770 31 4407000 582684
2004 61417 41 4407000 583642
2005 60908 56 4365000 586555
2006 58821 66 4609000 585501
2007 59406 66 4242643 596850
2008 59029 72 4150286 601703
2009 58652 79 4057929 606555
2010 58274 86 3965571 611408
2011 57897 92 3873214 616261
2012 57519 99 3780857 621113
2013 57142 105 3688500 625966
2014 56765 112 3596143 630819
2015 56387 118 3503786 635671
2016 56010 125 3411429 640524


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