Ocean Park Corporation (Hong Kong) Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

What should Ocean Park do now? Master development plan is nearing completion. What should their next step be?

            The company’s current position is defined in detail in the sections except for the last session that is related to future decision.

Key Success factors:

            The first key success factor of Ocean Park Corporation is it’s placing i.e. Hong Kong. Hong Kong is now one of the hub for tourism. Hong Kong is famous for amusements; therefore the park’s placement in Hong Kong is one of the success factors.

            The second key success factor is the continuous development in the organisation. The people visit the amusement parks but they like the park, which gives them new rides and etc. This is the key to success that the people use to come and see the newest and innovative things therefore the repetition occurs.

            The company has about 85,000 entertainment units that are too high for customers to entertain themselves. The higher number of entertainment units results in the high expenditure by the customers and repetition of the customers makes it more attractive.

            Educating the guests is another key performance indicator; the employees of Ocean Park interact with the visitors and guide them about the structure rides and other amusements that are present at Ocean Park. The visitors better understand and take place accordingly after getting the information from the employees of the company. The employees educate them about offers and promotion, therefore the customer awareness arises.

            The other key performance indicator is the comments foam that is being filled with the visitors and 96% of those comments are about the change they are expecting from Ocean Park for their next visit. These comments are followed and changes are made accordingly to facilitate the customers and the changes are also communicated to the customers as well.

The core challenges:

            The first core problem it faces is the decrease in the demand; the new plan is implemented with a consideration to increase the number of visitors that are willing to enjoy the resort facilities. The capital expenditure has taken place and the recovery is necessary, therefore the issue is to increase the number of visitors.

            The second issue is that most of the visitors in the ocean are from Republic of China and now the government is restricting the number of mainland china visitors due to the clash of the culture. This is definitely going to affect the number of visitors from mainland of China.

            The other issue it faces is the employee turnover; the company is not able to retain the number of the employees. The management is worried whether to implement a soft infrastructure for the implementation of the new plan the employee retention has fallen from 95.5% in 2003 to 75.3% in 2013.

            The chairman of board of Ocean Park has changed in the start of 2014, the past chairman has an experience of 11 years with Ocean Park. The change in control may affect the decisions of the company and anyproblem can arise due to the change in the control of the board.

            The implementation of the plan has the water park with 15000 person capacity. The problem is the culture of Hong Kong for the temperature of water consciousness, the marketing strategy is the problem for Ocean Park. The marketing must be according to the requirements of the local and international people as both the targeted customers must be attracted through marketing.

Customer profile and brand:

            The majority of customers are Asian region because the most of the visitors of Hong Kong are Asians. The growth in Asian visitors is increasing by an average of 13.6% for the year 2014 as compared to the growth in 2012. The Asian market is the major target of the company because Asians use to spend too much money on leisure, amusement and clothing. The majority of the visitors are from the mainland of China and now they are targeting the Indian, GCC, Russia, Netherlands and Vietnam market. The reason behind such target is to ful fil any decline in demand due to new resolution for people of mainland of China (Exhibit 9).

            The targeted customers are families and groups including children. The amusement park is the family park therefore everyone can come and enjoy therefore the target customers is world at all. The old age people are also willing to enjoy with their grandchildren. The main target for the amusement park is children and teenage people. These people are the most visitors of the park because this age people use to visit such amusement parks regularly...Ocean Park Corporation (Hong Kong) Case Solution

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