Nuway Software Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Founder and President of Nuway Software (Nuway) must determine a pricing strategy for its new internally developed mobile software, Nulogic. Nuway develops custom mobile applications that provide great competitive advantage to each of its clients, no two software modules, it is developing similar. Nuway Nulogic ready for the market as a separate product, and identified three unique segments: Corporate in house developers, competitors, and independent software vendors. The company has traditionally followed a cost-plus pricing model and kept a positive profit. Software industry as a whole is moving towards value-based pricing, where the cost is based on the perceived value to the customer. The president is not in favor of a value based on price and regards it as price gouging, but he is aware that cost-plus pricing has its limitations with regard to cost of accuracy. Considering the entire software industry, opportunities Nuway and his own preferences, the President must determine how to evaluate new software. "Hide
by Derrick Neufeld, Ramasastry Chandrasekhar Source: Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation 15 pages. Publication date: April 15, 2009. Prod. #: 909E05-PDF-ENG

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