IMD-6-0280 © 2005
Cordon, Carlos; Vollmann, Thomas E.; Vivanco, Luis
This is an condensed version of IMD-6-0264. Numico, Europe's second largest infant food manufacturer, decides to progress its plan on its core market subsequent to an ill-fated incursion in the US vitamins marketplace that's left large losses to it.
Numico (A) Delivering Innovation Through The Supply Chain (Abridged) Case Study Solution
An important part of the strategy is the launching of advanced and new products that address formerly untapped needs. The case follows the challenges faced by its first supplier of finished products and Numico during the launching of the first product to be found under the new strategy.
Subjects: Supply chain; Innovation; New product launch; Third party suppliers; Outsourcing; Demand forecast; Information use
Settings: Western Europe; Infant Food; €4- 5 billion / annual revenue; November 2002 - January 2004