Human beings due to the reasons and emotions. On the one hand, as a rational choice theorists argue, human beings resourceful and value as they seek to maximize their own interests. Interests of the individual may converge or diverge from the interests of the organization. So, to bring creativity of individuals to benefit the organization, management systems should be designed to align the interests of the organization and the individual. On the other hand, it has long been recognized (and supported by current research in the field of the human brain), which is also caused by human beings with emotions. Emotions can be in harmony with rational behavior (eg, when fear is caution in the face of danger, or pride motivates more effort). But emotions can be in conflict with rational behavior (eg, avoidance of pain leads to a reluctance to confront difficult decisions, or shame leads to conceal or arrogance leads to excessive optimism). Understanding the importance of the mind and the emotions, so crucial for the design organizations, governance and management structures that promote the desired behavior. Teaching Purpose: Some models of human nature, implicitly if not explicitly, the management of any of the manager. This is useful for students to be aware of these assumptions and attentive to the ways of reasons and emotions shape their behavior and other people around them.
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by Nitin Nohria, Bridget Gurtler 9 pages. Publication Date: February 11, 2004. Prod. #: 404104-HCB-ENG