When we think about human behavior, especially from a moral point of view, we often refers to the explanations that rely on nature. In simple terms, we conclude that the virtuous conduct of a man of integrity with a strong character and immoral behavior of the little man of integrity with a weak character. Discussions are generally depend on the extent to which the individual believes in and adheres to the basic moral principles of honesty, fairness, loyalty, commitment, respect for others and their property without undue harm to others, not stealing, not a violation of accepted legal codes. The ability to identify with others empathically sometimes seen as a necessary component for understanding and complying with such moral precepts. The character is supposed to affect predictable behavior of any person in different situations and over time (in the language of rational choice, the character can be seen as a stable system of preferences, which informs the tradeoffs and select the individual is likely to do in different circumstances). Learning Objective:. To provide background on human behavior "Hide
by Nitin Nohria, Sandra J. Sucher Bridget Gurtler 8 pages. Publication Date: September 19, 2006. Prod. #: 404091-PDF-ENG