Nestlé: The Infant Formula Controversy Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Nestlé: The Infant Formula Controversy Case Solution

Question 2

In order to avoid the accusations of killing the Third World Babies; Nestle should learn the culture of the Countries before marketing the products. For instance, Nestle claimed the Third World mothers can’t breast feed over prolonged period, due to their diet deficiencies. Moreover, the women are busy at work, which enables them to adopt the powdered feeding solutions. Nestle should have the firsthand knowledge regarding the literacy rate and knowledge regarding its product among the people it has targeted its products to, so that the company could efficiently  tackle its marketing and advertisement in accordance to the studied factors.

Moreover, the company should continue marketing its products along with promoting breast feeding benefits. The company claims that it has not promoted bottled-feeding over breast feeding, rather the product is offered as a substitute for breast feeding.Whereby, the mothers are unable to feed their child properly, i.e. the company should promote the usage of bottled feeding in special situations,such as mothers being diagnosed with HIV.

Additionally, instead of hard-selling the feeding substitutes; the company should educate women about possible benefits and usage measures. The company should avoid giving free sample to the hospitals and consumers, instead of which it should provide free services in training the women about product usage, in order to continue the existing business and avoiding the future litigation's.

Question 3

The other companies, same as Nestle, should remain proactive in researching their market, i.e. where the product will be distributed and marketed. Before entering a new market; the companies should understand the culture, tradition, lifestyle and living standards, and natural and economic conditions. Moreover, the companies should study the possible effects of their product over the infants’ health, as their product is a vital supplement for the well-being of infants.

The company should not value its profits over the health of its customers. It should rather be focused on caring about its customers by providing them with sufficient knowledge regarding  the product usage and its possible-benefits. Lastly, the companies should create awareness among women in such Third World Countries, enabling them to maintain healthy diet patterns during their pregnancy, so that they wouldn’t  face issues in breast feeding their children.

Question 4

The decisions by Nestle were not socially responsible as the company was only focused on increasing its profits and undermined the effects caused by the powdered feeding solutions. The company preferred profits over consumer protection,i.e. the company hired unqualified girls for the promotion of feeding solution and it distributed free sample to expand the sales revenue, which clearly shows that the company did not fulfill its social responsibility in terms of consumer protection.

Moreover, the company preferred its own benefits over the greater good of society as given by the Utilitarian approach. The company also violated the information rights of the consumers by offering its products to the market, without any providing any instructions regarding  the product usage and promotion of bottle feeding for healthy babies. The company should have given proper instruction about products’ safe consumption-under specific situations, not in case of healthy babies and bottle feeding as modern way of feeding the infants.

Question 5

In order to overcome the HIV’s transmission; Nestle should encourage HIV tests among women and promote breast feeding as the primary feeding source. It should get mothers and babies tested to make sure that there are no wounds in the babies’ mouths and the mothers’ breasts, which could lessen the HIV’s transmission. Moreover, it should promote breast feeding in the Third World Countries, by showing that bottled feeding is right alternative to be used as it was done by Thailand. Lastly, the company should fund the research and development programs in reducing the HIV’s transmission from mother to child.......................

Nestlé The Infant Formula Controversy Case Solution

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