Loyalty Management UK (LMUK) operates frequent buyers British supermarket chain Sainsbury `s card program called honeydew. LMUK sponsorship Sainsbury uses a magnet to attract other retailers in profitable, multisponsor network loyalty. Considering the economy and consumer behavior in retail loyalty programs and allows comparison of brand-building power of one of the sponsors of the program in the advertising power multisponsor program. Describes how to run the program and its first 18 months of growth, the end of which it is the largest loyalty program in the UK. Illustrates the use of the program to deliver customer specific actions to 13.5 million members of the database, the program evaluates the success or failure of specific actions. "Hide
by John Deighton Source: Harvard Business School 14 pages. Publication Date: December 2, 2004. Prod. #: 505031-PDF-ENG