In 2006, Andy Papathanassiou confronted with a new dilemma. After 15 years of working in the world of racing NASCAR, as sports director HMS, he was looking for the next breakthrough performance pit crew. Early in his career, he has successfully doubled the pit again and changed the standards for the racing industry through the introduction of sports training and conversion crew well to well athletes. At the same time, the pope created a legacy in motorsports and converted racing. Pope instinct was that in the process of conciliation appointment pit was possible that would improve performance. Dad was looking for ways to raise Dynamic whether "man or machine." The next breakthrough is likely to be less dramatic than the first, though no less important. Fractional seconds can determine whether the race was won or lost. Other factors were further evolution of the race, the new automotive technology and NASCAR, regular change rules to keep the playing field level. Learning Objectives: To illustrate the operational methods to improve the process as lean, and open innovation practices that can lead to increased efficiency and productivity over time based on competition . cases, use the concept and illustrate the methods of knowledge broker - using old ideas to find new answers and solutions, and how it can be applied to improve performance. This is a platform for the consideration of approaches to improve the time-correlated product or service systems. case also questions what will be the next breakthrough in performance and facilitates discussion about whether it is human or technological elements. "Hide
by Corey Billington, Michael Barnett Berg, Atul Pahwa Source: IMD 14 pages. Publication Date: October 20, 2008. Prod. #: IMD424-PDF-ENG