Nasa Project Management Challenges Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Nasa Project Management Challenges Case Solution

Question 1

Individuals are important at NASA because they form teams and their contribution affects the performance of an entire team. They work together to achieve NASA’s common goals. It is a psychological fact that if an individual member of the team does not perform well then the overall project of NASA gets effected because of that underperforming team member. These individuals are considered as the driving force in NASA, because they design the strategies, they build the strategies, they modify the strategies, they test the strategies and they maintain the strategies. The strategy represents the space crafts and the flight of these space crafts.

Question 2

The lesson learned programs are basically introduced to identify the mistakes regarding what had went wrong in the operations. The knowledge regarding the good as well as erroneous-functionalities occurring in the operations of NASA, helps in identifying some types of acts that help in reducing the errors from the operations. In addition to this, these programs provide information and knowledge from previous projects, which help the individuals in overcoming its shortcomings in the next upcoming projects, whose requirement are same as the previous one. This helps in understanding the great aspects of the project and helps in promoting a better project management, which tends to mitigate the risks and ultimately increases the efficiency.

Question 3

At NASA, an individual’s sense of responsibility for risk management is important because it allows the individuals to perform their roles in the best possible way. This improves the effectiveness of the risk mitigation because when everyone does his or her best in mitigating the risks and with aversion level then  the risks associated with the entire project will eventually reduce to an acceptable level. The team is accountable for success, because the team is made up of individuals, so, the main focus of the team’s performance is broader and requires good individuals having critical and difficult skills, knowledge and experience to handle different types of elements involved in the whole process, in order to get success.

Question 4

Good project managers need to be optimistic. You need to choose people who are able to work with him and carry the potential of helping him in achieving his goals, because he cannot do anything on his own. You need to know your job. You have the skills to do the job. You also need to make sure that the people who work in the opposite direction-understand their responsibilities.

Question 5

To be a good project manager, leadership is an essential part, because without the leadership role; it would be nearly impossible for a project to have a good manager, because a leader can be a good manager of any project, in the hands of whom the project would have more chances to have better results.Leadership is important because the manager have vast teams-comprised of several individuals who are passionate, committed and responsible for-satisfactory results, which can only be achieved if they get proper guidance from their manager and what adds much to the success in an efficient guidance is the leadership quality of the manager.

Question 6

Leadership integrity influences the project’s success rate as it influences how team members make day-to-day decisions. The integrity belongs to leadership,and it also guarantees that every member of the team understands the motivation behind the decision so that the decision could be made in the greatest interest of the project and none of the individual's personal interests get affected by the decision......................

Nasa Project Management Challenges Case Solution

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