This case series was created to exemplify the specificities of competition in poor and developing economies and, more especially, competition at the Base of the Pyramid. It really is composed of two business cases: four documents, a country note, and an industry note. The business cases describe the competitive dynamics between two international telecom companies, MTN and Orange, in the Cameroonian telecom marketplace. Each business case starts with a simple history of the company, followed by a description of the business's global strategy and of its entry into Cameroon. Finally, the case describes the firm's Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives, in Cameroon and internationally.
MTN Cameroon, The Competitive Advantage of Being African Case Study Solution
The case series also contains two background notes. The first note describes the essential technical features of the cell phone business and the evolution. The second note provide an prologue to the geography, history, and economy of Cameroon, with a specific focus on the socio economic conditions of the country's citizenry. Taken collectively, this case series allows a discussion of competition at the Base of the Pyramid, including both business and ethical aspects.
This is just an excerpt. This case is aboutĀ GLOBAL BUSINESS