Moore Medical is the average distributor of medicines for practitioners, such as pediatricians and emergency medical equipment. At the time of the case, he relied on traditional channels of customer, such as catalogs, phone and fax to communicate product offerings, promotions, and availability, and take orders. He is now trying to move to the "bricks and clicks" distributor with a strong presence of the internet. He has already made significant investments in e-commerce, web site and in the "back office" ERP software to improve productivity performance of its four distribution centers. ERP software has not met expectations in all areas, and the company must decide whether to invest in additional modules for the system, which could solve their shortcomings. He must also decide whether to make a substantial additional investment in software for managing customer relationships. "Hide
by Andrew McAfee, Gregory border Source: Harvard Business School 21 pages. Publication Date: April 23, 2001. Prod. #: Six hundred and one thousand one hundred forty-two-PDF-ENG