Modi-Revlon Case Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Modi-Revlon Case Study Help


Modi-Revlon was a joint venture formed in the early 1990s between Modi Group, an Indian conglomerate, and Revlon, an American cosmetics company. The joint venture was created with the aim of manufacturing and selling cosmetics in India, which was an emerging market with a growing middle-class population. The Modi Group, founded by industrialist Gujarmal Modi, is a diversified conglomerate with interests in various industries such as chemicals, engineering, and textiles.

Revlon, on the other hand, is a well-known cosmetics brand with a global presence and a history of successful partnerships and joint ventures with companies in different parts of the world. However, the partnership faced numerous challenges, including cultural differences, management issues, and regulatory hurdles. The case study examines the struggles faced by Meghna Modi to find the right balance between pricing the products competitively and maintaining the quality and value proposition of the brand.

This was particularly challenging given the differences in the consumer market and purchasing power in India compared to the global market. The case study spots the significance of knowing the local market and consumer preferences when launching products in a new market. It also provides insights into the complexities of pricing products in emerging markets and the need for flexibility and adaptability when dealing with price-value equations in different markets.

Problem Statement

In the case of the Modi-Revlon joint venture, there is difficulty in finding the right balance between pricing the cosmetics products competitively while maintaining their quality and value proposition. Meghna Modi, the CEO of the joint venture, faced the challenge of determining the appropriate pricing strategy for cosmetics products in India, given the differences in the consumer market and purchasing power compared to the global market.

Situational Analysis

Challenges Faced by Modi-Revlon

Modi-Revlon faced numerous challenges during its joint venture in India (Munshi, 2004). Some of the key challenges that the company faced are as follows:

Cultural Differences

The joint venture faced cultural differences between the American and Indian management teams. Differences in management styles, communication, and decision-making led to misunderstandings and conflicts.

Regulatory Hurdles

The Indian government's complex regulatory environment posed challenges for the joint venture. The company faced issues related to obtaining licenses and approvals, as well as complying with various regulations related to the manufacturing, distribution, and marketing of cosmetics products.

Pricing Strategy

As mentioned earlier, the company faced challenges in finding the right price-value equation for its cosmetics products. The differences in the consumer market and purchasing power in India compared to the global market made it challenging to price the products competitively while maintaining the quality and value proposition of the brand.

Distribution Channels

The company faced challenges in developing an effective distribution network for its products. The lack of a well-established retail infrastructure and the presence of numerous small retailers made it difficult to establish a strong brand presence and distribution network.


The Indian cosmetics market was highly competitive, with well-established local and international brands competing for market share. This made it challenging for the joint venture to establish itself and gain a foothold in the market.

Price-value Equation

The price value equation of Modi-Revlon refers to the relationship between the price of its cosmetics products and the perceived value by its target customers. The case study shows that the joint venture struggled to find the right balance between price and value, which resulted in declining market share and profitability. On the one hand, Modi-Revlon was perceived as a premium brand in the Indian market, which meant that it had to maintain a certain level of pricing to maintain its brand image and appeal to its target customers.

However, on the other hand, the joint venture faced intense competition from local and multinational brands that offered lower-priced alternatives with similar or even better product quality and features. As a result, Modi-Revlon had to constantly adjust its pricing strategy to maintain its competitiveness and profitability.

Overall, the price value equation of Modi-Revlon was a complex issue that required a nuanced understanding of the Indian market, consumer preferences, and competitive landscape. The joint venture had to balance the need to maintain a premium brand image with the need to offer competitive pricing, while also developing innovative products and an effective distribution network.............

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