Question 1
A sore throat is a common condition seen in the outpatients. However, the patient’s condition seems different than common, since he has afever for last 5-6 days, and he is also using ibuprofen twice a day. But, medicines are not helping him out. Meanwhile, following are differentials for this problem.
- -Viruses
->Adenovirus infection
->Influenza A and B
->Human herpesvirus (HHV) 6
- -Bacteria
->GABHS infection
->Scarlet fever
->Corynebacterium diphtheria
->Chlamydophila pneumoniae
->Streptococcus pyogenes
->Lyme Disease
- Noninfectious Causes of Sore Throat
-Persistent Cough
-Postnasal drip
-Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
-Acute Thyroiditis
These are the differentials of a sore throat. As far as the fever is concerned, then thepatient’s condition is very unusual. Because the continuous fever associated with the throat pain could be very serious for the patient. However, yet it is not clear what could be the possible causes ofa sore throat, whether it be virus, bacteria or noninfectious causes.
However, most of the time, a sore throat is caused by viral illnesses, and is also responsive to antibiotics, and may cause fever, headache, cough, and runny nose. However, from the patient’s conditions, it can be determined that he has afever of 103, which is high for the sore throat patients.This indicates that patient is suffering from something more complex than asore throat.
Furthermore, the patient has a fever of more than 101 F (38.3C), lasting from 6-7 days, thepatient also cannot eat something and has aproblem to swallow, since he has decreased fluids and is not drinking much, and also has Nausea and thus is unable to eat. On the other hand, the patient also indicates that he has joint pains since he might be feeling body aches.Since the symptoms are indicating the patient is possibly suffering from sore throat.
Question 2
Yes, the patient should present all his medical history, including any disease that he has suffered in recent year, and treatment he was given. Although, all symptoms are indicating that that patient is suffering from a serious illness. That has caused many problems including some rare conditions. Since the redness of eyes, swelling are very rare symptoms found in children. On the other hand, thepatient also has aproblem in the throat and has joint pain. These symptoms make conditions worse than it looks.
Therefore, it is recommended that patient should provide all treatment and disease history since childhood. However, the symptoms indicate that delay in the treatment might causecardioproblems because the feet swelling could result from blood flowing to thefeetindicating thatheart is disturbed and caused the feet to swell. Since the disease can be genetic. Thus, the medical history of the patient needs to go with the diagnosis. Consequently, the symptoms may cause further damage to the health of the patient.
Question 3
However, after the physical examination of the patient. It is determined that patient is underserious problem.Pharynx is markedly red without exudate, including oral mucosa which is also dry indicating that patient has somehow developed a mouth problem that has given redness in the mouth, indicating that it is a rare condition................
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