Microfinance has been around for a long time, and always regarded as a panacea for poverty eradication in the world. He gained more fame after the success of "Grameen Model" in Bangladesh. Established in the background African country of Tanzania, this case deals with the various issues involved in the creation of microfinance institutions. Sustainable Youth Partnership (SYDP), the main character, was created to help young people to educate young people in Tanzania on HIV / AIDS. After three years SYPD realized that raising awareness about HIV / AIDS does not lead to changes in behavior, if supported by the economic empowerment and life skills. SYPD treat microfinance as an immediate solution to empower young people in Tanzania. The organization was quick to build potential donors, however, they could not move forward without a plan and project implementation strategy. "Hide
by Ali Farhoomand, Prasun Choudhary Source: University of Hong Kong, 21 pages. Publication Date: June 11, 2009. Prod. #: HKU832-PDF-ENG