Micro Econometrics Exam Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Micro Econometrics Exam Case Solution

  1. The R&D project must be classified as a quasi-pilot project. Although the RD project has a clear experimental design, it is not a function of random assignment. In addition, some issues do not allow the state to be equated with a random experience. First, it is a redesign, and the above questions are too serious to be as clear as random experiments.

Second, the R&D project is highly dependent on the correct modeling of the functional form of the relationship between the attribution variable and the outcome variable. Therefore, a more complex statistical analysis of the experimental environment is required to obtain an unbiased estimate. Third, the energy consumption of the R&D project is lower compared to the random experiments. This is mainly due to multidisciplinary between allocation and treatment variables. The more the limit value deviates from the average value of the relevant variable, the greater the energy loss.

The bottom line is that RD is not just a quasi-experiment. Something between a quasi-experiment and a random experiment, with a few pitfalls. However, when the rooms are reunited, the R&D project will have impartial therapeutic effects (Lovrić, 2008).

Question 3

The Multinational Logit Model

The Multinational logit model is a direct extension of the logistics model. Suppose DV has M. categories. A value (usually the first, last, or most common value of DV) is denoted as a reference category. (The Stata slogan is standardized for the most common results, which I personally don’t like because the analysis of different sub samples can use different base categories.) Compare the probability of association in other categories is the probability of association in the reference category. For DV in category M, the M-1 equations (relative to the reference category, one for each category) must be calculated to describe the relationship between DV and IV.

In other words, each calculated log M-1 probability must be multiplied by a power of. Once completed, the calculation of probabilities is simple. Note that when M = 2, the mlogit and the logistic regression model (in this case, the ordered logit model) are the same (Institute for Digital Research and Education, 2018).

Other things to consider:

You may need to merge certain categories of the VI, partly to simplify the analysis, partly because the number of cases may be low in some categories. Keep in mind that the more categories you have, the more parameters you can estimate and the harder it will be to achieve meaningful results. Of course, only two categories are the simplest, but you need to determine if this category fits the problem.

Make sure you understand the benchmark category as different programs run differently. If there is no other way to change the reference category, it may be necessary to recede the variable. However, you can only use option b in the Stat. b abbreviation of the basic result.........................

Micro Econometrics Exam Case Solution

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