Metabical: Positioning and Communications Strategy for a New Weight-Loss Drug Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Metabical: Positioning and Communications Strategy for a New Weight-Loss Drug Case Solution

Executive Summary

For obese people with a BMI of 25 to 30, Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals (CSP) created the weight-loss medication Metabical. The target market for Metabical is estimated to be around 40 million people in the United States alone. The drug has been clinically tested and proven to be effective in helping individuals lose weight. The main competitors of Metabical are Alli, Xenical, and other prescription drugs.

To successfully launch Metabical in the market, a comprehensive marketing strategy is recommended. The strategy includes advertising, public relations, and direct marketing techniques to build brand awareness and educate consumers about the benefits of the drug. A distribution strategy through pharmacies and doctors' offices is also recommended, with competitive pricing compared to other weight loss drugs.

Company Background

The primary areas of concentration for Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals (CSP), a multinational healthcare company, are the production, development, and marketing of medications used to treat immunological deficiencies, metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal ailments, and other acute and chronic medical conditions. The business earned almost $25 billion in revenue in 2007. Barbara Printup is CSP’s senior director of marketing with the experience of over 20 years in the marketing of prescription drugs for company-directed drug campaigns and successfully finalized the work on Zimistat, which is about to launch.

She has just been given a charge of the forthcoming launch of CPS’s new prescription drug (Metabical) which is verified to be harmless and effective in motivating weight loss for weighty people when tested clinically.  The product launch is planned for January 2009 as soon as CSP acquires the expected final approval of Metabical from FDA in the following year.

As it is February 2008 currently and Printup took notes from the weighty focus group participants about their constant struggles with their weight loss, her major concern is to establish a sustainable positioning strategy and marketing communication plans for the launch of Metabical effectively. To secure additional profits and remunerate inclusive R&D costs incurred on Metabical, the product should be launched with an operative positioning strategy.

Key Issues

Some of the key issues facing Metabical include:

Limited Awareness

Despite being a new and innovative weight loss drug, Metabical had limited awareness among the target customers. This is due to the lack of marketing and promotion of the drug.

High Price

The drug is priced higher than other weight loss drugs available in the market, which might make it unaffordable for some customers.

Limited Distribution

Metabical is available only through a limited distribution channel, including specialized weight loss clinics. This might limit its availability to potential customers.

Side Effects

Although Metabical is proven to be safe and effective, it still has some side effects such as gastrointestinal issues that could affect its marketability.

Competitive Market

The weight loss market is highly competitive, with many other drugs and weight loss programs available. Metabical needs to differentiate itself from competitors and prove its effectiveness to gain a foothold in the market.

Situational Analysis

Ideal Target Customer Segment and Key Consumer Characteristics

The prescription weight-loss medication Metabical was created especially for obese people with a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 25 to 30. Therefore, overweight people looking for a practical solution to lose weight and enhance their health would be the best target market niche for Metabical. In a survey of people who are overweight to examine psychographic segmentation, it was found that about 70% of respondents are not happy with their current weight and that only 15% of those who are actively trying to lose weight are satisfied with weight loss medications.

Women are witnessed to be more conscious about weight loss and health stability compared to men. The other target segment is healthcare groups as excess weight is reflected to be a public health calamity in the US. Therefore, Medical professionals would be focused on the advertising campaign of the Metabical.

 Communication Groups

The proper groups to communicate with about Metabical would be:

Healthcare Professionals

These include doctors, nutritionists, and dietitians who can recommend Metabical to their overweight patients. They are the key influencers and decision-makers in the healthcare industry. The appropriate way to address them would be to provide scientific evidence about the safety and efficacy of Metabical and highlight how it can complement their treatment plans. The appropriate message to convey would be that Metabical is a clinically proven, FDA-approved weight loss solution that can help overweight individuals achieve sustainable weight loss and improve their overall health................

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