Metabical Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Metabical Case Solution

Recommendations After Epidemic

If a company targets overweight (BMI 25-30) skilled women aged 35-65, especially if management sets the ROI to 5%, the ROI seems a bit unrealistic. Acquiring 50% of the exclusive market in 5 years is completely irrational. The price can obviously be reduced, but it is a very affordable price for the target consumers. Reducing the price is likely to damage the brand name of the recipe and prevent it from being considered an elite product. The eye of this target.

After considering Covid 19 and its impact, Metabical estimates it will capture 20%, 25%, 30%, 35% and 40% over the next 5 years. It can be assumed that women aged 35-65 have a very disposable income and will be more willing to pay for medications and weight loss prescriptions. The product has also been prescribed and approved by the FDA, so it can also prove a high price tag. In this analysis, this recommendation could still result in a return of about 70%. This change is shown in the Exhibit 2 of the document.

Exhibit 1: Calculations Before Epidemic

Method 1: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Number of Americans with BMI between 25 and 30 78,200,000 78,200,000 78,200,000 78,200,000 78,200,000
x 35% actively trying to lose weight 27,370,000 27,370,000 27,370,000 27,370,000 27,370,000
x 15% who are comfortable using diet pills 4,105,500 4,105,500 4,105,500 4,105,500 4,105,500
10% who might purchase Metabical in Year 1 adding 5% each subsequent year 410,550 615,825 821,100 1,026,375 1,231,650 unit sales
plus 60% buy a second package 246,330 369,495 492,660 615,825 738,990 unit sales
plus 20% of these buy a third package 49,266 73,899 98,532 123,165 147,798 unit sales
Sales 706,146 1,059,219 1,412,292 1,765,365 2,118,438 unit sales
Method 2:
Number of Americans with BMI between 25 and 30 78,200,000 78,200,000 78,200,000 78,200,000 78,200,000
x 12% say they will go to a doctor to request prescription 9,384,000 9,384,000 9,384,000 9,384,000 9,384,000
10% who might purchase Metabical in Year 1 adding 5% each subsequent year 938,400 1,407,600 1,876,800 2,346,000 2,815,200 unit sales
plus 60% buy a second package 563,040 844,560 1,126,080 1,407,600 1,689,120 unit sales
plus 20% of these buy a third package 112,608 168,912 225,216 281,520 337,824 unit sales
Sales 1,614,048 2,421,072 3,228,096 4,035,120 4,842,144 unit sales
Method 3:
Ideal target (overweight females, 35-65, college-educated) 4,300,000 4,300,000 4,300,000 4,300,000 4,300,000
30% who might purchase Metabical in Year 1 adding 5% each subsequent year 1,290,000 1,505,000 1,720,000 1,935,000 2,150,000 unit sales
plus 60% buy a second package 774,000 903,000 1,032,000 1,161,000 1,290,000 unit sales
plus 20% of these buy a third package 154,800 180,600 206,400 232,200 258,000 unit sales
Sales 2,218,800 2,588,600 2,958,400 3,328,200 3,698,000 unit sales


Metabical Case Solution

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