Medical Research Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Medical Research The case solution  


This research is based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The results would be applicable for specific country. Along with that covid-19 may also have influence on the satisfaction level of patients. In future scholars can replicate this research in other country and add other variables as well.

 Literature Review:

Quality, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness:

Telehealth has made healthcare very accessible when it comes to people living in remote areas where health facilities either are less or healthcare of low quality is available. For such areas, Telehealth decreases the transport-related cost and makes healthcare more cost-effective. Similar was proved in a survey conducted regarding Tele-neurology, which found that 37% of patients who support Tele-neurology prefer it because of its cost-effectiveness and 34% preferred it because it saves time. Besides this, many of the surveys suggest that both HCP and patients prefer virtual clinics because it prevents the spread of contagious diseases (5)and reduces the chances of acquiring hospital acquired infections like UTI, by avoiding the crowded atmosphere of Hospitals (2). This can especially be important for patient with neurological diseases who according to WHO, are at greater risk for severe outcomes for infections like SARS-CoV-2 infection. (2).

Although survey regarding Tele-neurology found that 47/56 people agreed that Telemedicine related consultation was even though rated 4/5, in terms of quality of consultation services, but other patient surveys suggest that it lacks quality when it comes to diagnosis of diseases for example tests like CT Scan and MRI cannot be done effectively with Tele-neurology technology (1). This is the most common reason why the majority of good physicians don’t prefer it for diagnosis. It was proved in a physician-based survey in Saudia that, “Nearly two-thirds (59.8%) of the respondents preferred office visits because office visits will provide ease of discussion and the ability to make a comprehensive physical examination, unlike telemedicine.” (2), which becomes a major factor that limits its scope as it creates an obstacle in the accessibility of healthcare. (1).

Management of Chronic Illness:

Studies suggesting observing elevated frequency of initiating anti-hypertension medication and increase adherence to these medications, during lock-down (3), enlightens the need for chronic health-based telehealth clinics. Telehealth bridges the gap created by the distance between patient and patient hence increasing patient compliance and providing better ways of disease management by increasing the accessibility of healthcare. Telehealth accompanied with telehealth applications increases the of rate patients’ follow-ups to physicians since it increases the level of engagement of patients and healthcare professionals (2) amidst chronic disease management of patients. According to a trial which was conducted on diabetic patients to evaluate the effectiveness of a telehealth-based platform for diabetic management in Ramadan. Besides it is giving positive therapeutic outcomes, post-trail patient feedback revealed that “97% of the diabetic patient agreed upon the use of diabetic telemedicine clinics during the pandemic and about 86% agreed that they recommend the virtual facility and will prefer to use it in future. (4)The same study also confirms if quality criteria are effectively adopted/maintained in telehealth it eases the chronic disease management by patients. However, the quality criteria include a well-engineered infrastructure that takes care of patients’ approach-ability for example, “24-48 hours before the visit” (6)appointment as well as should “Patients’ and HCPs’ Satisfaction Surveys” (6).

Telehealth accompanied with telehealth applications provide an efficient means to evaluate patients progress with chronic disease and eases physicians’ decision making especially for a patient with complex disease status or patient who has developed tolerance to certain medications, by providing smart data organizers, which make sure to keep the patient data UpToDate and instant provision of patient’s data regarding tolerance and allergy.

Anxiety disorder and Autistic patient:

Telehealth is a useful tool for mental health compromised patients, like patients with social anxiety disorder, dyslexia, and high functioning autism, since these patients have a difficult time understanding social norms, and hospital visits can become hectic for them. For such patients, remote neurologist care via videoconferencing makes the therapy less stressful since neurologist via videoconferencing in mental disorders is associated with outcomes comparable with regular outpatient visits, but with much greater efficiency (4). One study proves that telehealth that Video-based techniques may be a key component to effective telerehabilitation (4). Another study that highlights the importance of using variable data types in telehealth for stroke education “suggests significant improvement, correctly answering a mean additional 33 of 30 questions” (4) Hence Telehealth can make healthcare accessible for these patients by decreasing the socializing event because most of the youth suffering from these conditions avoid availing the healthcare facilities due to the fear of getting judged by people. A study suggests “Disability can create social and economical barrier for most people( (7), to visit Healthcare facility.Hence telehealth can provide people with mental disabilities like Parkinson’s disorder, help in the premises of their home without aggravating their health conditions.


Teletherapy is not a new approach in telehealth. It was first introduced in 19 century and has continued to progress since then. Many new telepsychology applications are made in the market. A non-profit survey found, in a duration of 10 years, around 10000 mental health-related applications have been made into the market researchers also debate its quantity is near 20000. studies found that that telepsychology gained much more acceptance than any other virtual clinic ever established. Multiple studies prove that patients, as well as therapies, agree on its positive outcomes (8; 9), in terms of “diagnostic accuracy, treatment effectiveness, quality of care, overall understanding” and patient satisfaction( (3) in the form of self-harm or violent behavior. (3). Tele-psychology was especially, found to be effective for depression, anxiety, and adjustment disorders (1). The methods used for Tele-psychology like therapies given through “a range of media such as slideshows, videos, quizzes, and reflective questions”(3) were found to bring positive outcomes, it was also noted in a people survey conducted in Saudia that people lacked knowledge regarding telepsychology-based CBT (4), which is the most effective treatment given via telepsychology (4)and is suggested for multiple mental health conditions. many studies discovered a lack of mental health awareness in the majority of the Saudi population It is even confirmed in a survey that “About 87% were unaware about psychiatric services available in the kingdom, 85% reported that social factors were responsible for mental illnesses” (10) Aggravation or improper management of depression and schizophrenia can lead such patients to commit suicides, and if not fatal in some of the cases, it can affect the quality of life by leading patients with PTSD and schizophrenia towards social isolation. More surveys are hence required to know the mental health areas that need education in the Saudia population..................

Medical Research The case solution

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