Medical Oncology Task Case Solution
Classification of Tumors
A.By Clinical Course
- The begging tumors are neoplasm, with maturity and the dominant position by tissue atypia. These tissues remain distinguished due to unrestricted growth (generated through movement of healthy tissues). These tumors remain isolated clearly from the surrounding tissues and resemble historically with their originating tissues. These tumors do not impact the body much and metastasize but they can go under marginalization.
- On the other side, the malignant tumors are not mature neoplasms and are not dominated by tissue Atypia. These tissues remain distinguished due to unrestricted infiltration growth. These tumors have their growth from the surrounding tumors. These tumors metasize and are much distinctive from their originating tissues and these tumors can exert much influence on the overall organism.
B.By Histogenesis
The tumors are of the following classification based on histogenesis
- Epithelial Tissue Tumors.
- Connective Tissue Tumors.
- Muscular Tissue Tumors.
- Vessels Tumors.
- Melanin-Forming Tissue Tumors.
- Cerebral Meninges and Nervous System Tumors.
C.TNM Classification
The TNM classification of tumors is based upon three main categories. But it has been mentioned that historically, the diagnosis should be confirmed, if the historical confirmation is not possible then then the diagnosis should be conducted. For ontological diagnosis, the recent version of the TNM classification needs to be pointed out, in order to emphasize the importance of the resource and its usage.
- T- Tumor category has the Tx (Detection of primary tumor is impossible), T0 (i.e undetected primary tumor), Tis (i.e. Tumorin Situ – perinvasive tumor), and T1,2,3,4 (symbols criteria for different location of tumors).
- N (Nodus) Category, is used to explain the regional lymph nodes condition through symbols N0 (Lymph nodes with absent metastases) and N1,2,3 (symbols criteria for different location and various degrees of lymph nodes with metastases).
- M (Metastasis) Category, describes the presence or absence of the remote metastasis through the symbols Mx (remote metastasis assessment is impossible), Mo ( which states that there is no detection of remote metastasis) and M1(which confirms the presence of remote metastasis).
- G (Gradus) Category, (a category which characterizes tumor tissue malignancy – histological degree) through the symbols G1 ( Well-differentiated tumor), G2 ( Moderately Differentiated Tumor), G3 (Poorly Differentiated Tumor) and G4 (Completely Undifferentiated Tumor)
The TNM classifications must be used before the treatment, in order to evaluate the efficiency of the classification. By a complete physical examination, the TNM classification is based upon signs detected and afterwards the treatment is started.........................
Medical Oncology Task Case Solution
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