The corporation had just launched a sizable public relations campaign using the Twitter hashtag "#MeetTheFarmers" to push links with family farms along with local suppliers. Maximizing a Twitter Encouraged Trends expenditure, the manager had changed the hashtag from "#MeetTheFarmers" to "#McDStories" halfway through the very first day of the effort.
McDonald's Twitter Campaign Hype Versus Reality Case Solution
On the other hand, numerous detractors used the hashtag to express negative comments towards the corporation. A few days later, with mocking headlines and articles providing screenshots of the negative tweets but no data that put appropriate context to the situation or explained, the media started to run negative coverage. The manager needed to formulate a better strategy for McDonald's social media campaigns as a way to stop possible media fallouts.
PUBLICATION DATE: November 15, 2013 PRODUCT #: W13493-HCB-ENG
This is just an excerpt. This case is about STRATEGY & EXECUTION