The management team of Marvel Enterprises, known for its universe of superhero characters which includes Spider-Man, the Hulk, and X Men, must reevaluate its marketing strategy. Originally referred to as a comic book publisher, the company now also has motion picture, exceptionally rewarding toy, and consumer products licensing operations. However, uncertainties about Marvel's business model and its own growth potential continue to exist.
Marvel Enterprises, Inc. (Abridged), Spanish Version Case Study Solution
Had Marvel's winning streak been merely a fluke? Was Marvel dependent on a limited group of hit characters, most notably Spider-Man, and ought to Marvel continue to capitalize on those characters? Or was it time to find growth in a bigger set of lesser known characters? In researching growth opportunities, was it wise for Marvel to venture outside its current business model and move into more capital-intensive tasks? What marketing strategy would allow Marvel to sustain its success in the forthcoming years?
PUBLICATION DATE: January 24, 2011 PRODUCT #: 512S10-HCB-SPA
This is just an excerpt. This case is about SALES & MARKETING