Marketing Management Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Marketing Management  Case Solution 


  • First one is to understand outsiders (customers and other local people) what they think for your company or what kind of image they have builtin their mind.In order for the company to further grow, it should know about its customers and other people.
  • What sort of image stakeholders built for the company? Stakeholders and customers are main sources for operating a business, if the stakeholders find any difference between the culture of the organization and their reputation, then it would have an adverse effect on the company.
  • Stakeholders and employees of the company cooperate with each other or not?It is very important for the company to interact with stakeholders because sometimes public relations and other social media can create misunderstanding, therefore it is the responsibility of the company to directly contact the stake holders and take feedback for the company from both (Stakeholders and Employees).
  • Think about what stakeholders want from your company? It is necessary to think want they (stakeholders)want from the company whether it is brand image or only profit.
  • Do your employees care, what stakeholders think of your company? The difference between culture and image of the company can leave a negative impact on the employees and stakeholders due to whichtheir opinion may differ for the company.


  • Future performance can vary and can be controlled by valence and level of the gap.
  • Customers develop perception for the service organization based on the emotion level of


  • Negative relation between emotional display and sales (Sutton & Rafaeli, 1988)
  • Financial measure can differ from time to time, as the company’s focus is towards future sales.
  • Sales trend vary: there is an increase in the sales if the staff is less busy, and it decreases if the staff is under pressure.
  • Marketing and HR roles are overlapping (may create issue for company’s reputation)
  • To attract and retain customers is the best way to promote corporate culture.
  • Describe and encourage corporate value to existing employees.
  • Reputation gap can increase if the managers are unclear regarding the corporate issue.
  • Evaluate the reputation of the company by comparing financial data with primary data.
  • Employees’ perception can hardly affect the future sales (growth)
  • Previous relation between customers and employee can be measured.
  • Relationship between reputation gap and future sales can represent the company’s level
  • Internal and external reputation of the branches al together show the overall reputation of the company.
  1. Training is very essential for developing internal growth
  • When managers put pressure on staff for convincing more staff, then there would be more chances of error occurring
  • Reputation Gap can control future performance
  • There will be negative reputation because of coordination
  • Based on how employees are treated (good or bad) in result they behave same with customers.


  • Reward and Loyalty program
  • Gold Stamp Program (future rewards or discounts)
  • Price-sensitivity (price-sensitive buyers)
  • Most of the customers purchase same product from low cost and low price seller
  • Some buyers move towards service based products....................................                                                  This is just a sample partial case solution. Please place the order on the website to order your own originally done case solution.

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