Managing Virtual Teams Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Managing Virtual Teams Case study Analysis

Foreseeable Constraints

While implementing the proposed leadership style and the virtual team’s managing tools; the organization could face the following foreseeableconstraints. In addition to this, a number of constraints including the research study limits have been discussed in detail, below:

  • The study is qualitative in nature, which could not provide an effective outcome and proposed solutions in order to meet the issues’ solution.
  • The time frame is limited, and it is difficult to incorporate all the related and concerned issues in this study.
  • The limited resources and human power limit this study from exploring more areas.
  • While implanting the proposed solution; the limited resources would not allow the organization to fully equip its employees with the modern communication tools.
  • Conducting regular scheduled meetings would be difficult because of mismanagement.
  • Virtual team members would be inefficient in taking proper decisions during emergency situations.(Cascio WF, Shurygailo S., 2004).
  • Assigning the tasks is fully dependent on the performance of the team and the inefficient work assigning policies could over-burden the employees.
  • Managing virtual teams effectively would become difficultif the leaders adopt authoritarian leadership style.

Ways to Mitigate Obstacles

The organization could face the following foreseeable constraints:

  • Early task defining, proper guidelines, effective virtual environment, proper exchange of messages and the advanced communication tools could overcome the prevailing virtual leadership challenges.
  • It should be ensured that proper time frame is used to allocate the tasks and resources, along with the employees’ working hours.
  • Conference calling could lead towards an effective communication and clarification of goals among the employees.
  • Direct text messaging among the employees and the leaders could generate effective outcomes.(Avolio, B. J., & Kahai, S. S, 2002).
  • Professional work environment could be developed with the help of “e-Leadership”.
  • The real time conversation among employees and leaders could mitigate all these issues effectively.

Program/Intervention Evaluation

The study is effective for the virtual managers and the project managers, who deal with the diverse geographic team, working from different locations, in order to complete the tasks effectively.The management should use and adopt the proposedstrategy to mitigate the daily occurrence of virtual team issues. It is very important that the employees’ performance should be tracked on daily or weekly basis, because the leaders could only know about the employees’ performance with the help of regular check and balance. It is recommended that the organization should usemonitoring tools, such as: screen monitoring, balanced employee performance scorecard, regular meetings and work assigning.(BRADFORD S. BELL and STEVE W. J. KOZLOWSKI, 2008). Thus, proper check and balance is important in order to maintain the regular work tasks’performance effective, which could yield increased profits. Furthermore, organizations should interact with their employees properly, because it is the only tool for developing relationship and analyzing the work performance. With the help of this approach, the virtual team leaders can monitor the performances, effectively and team members will become responsible for completing the work that they are assigned.(Cascio WF, Shurygailo S., 2004).


It is concluded that it has become increasingly difficult for the leaders to effectively communicate with the employees without any interruption, award and appraise them for the work done or to enforce norms and ethics globally.(Avolio, B. J., & Kahai, S. S, 2002).The virtual teams are designed to incorporate the innovation with the help of those expert employees who have less time for travel purposes. But now, virtual teams are formed to expand the business globally (Liz Lee-Kelley & Tim Sankey, 2007). The study is effective for the virtual managers and the project managers. The findings reveal that cross-boundary and cross-functional projects require efficient virtual team with the skilled output, along with an inclusion of proper distance corporation strategy. The study is qualitative in nature and is limited to the time frame and the resource allocated. In numerous studies, the importance of communication tools has been identified and focused on. An effective leadership should incorporate the use of advanced communication tools, including: conference calling, text messaging and direct calling, and virtual team rooms and discussion forums.(Ferrazzi, 2014).................................


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