Management Plan Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


Planning an event entails many small details, which needs to be taken care of completely, tying in order to deliver a successful event which works in a cohesive manner. Designing a management plan for the event is imperative in its functioning as it works as a blueprint for the way things will work. Management plans can be made for organizations both large and small where they map out the detailed day to day workings and even the philosophical and intellectual understanding mind frame, or for an event which can also be both large and small. Management plans serves as a blueprint for the organizations helping them to plan their daily procedures for a long term sustainability.

A management plan serves the companies in planning various activities in various departments. When it comes to day-to-day running of the organization, then these include the actual tasks and specific goals that needs to be carried out efficiently and in a timely manner. Completion of tasks is important, but the person responsible for those tasks is also an important identification to be made.

The people, responsible for performing the assigned tasks should be identified carefully by the management plan to avoid any ambiguity on this matter. This makes the working on the day of the event, during a project or throughout the workings of the organization. Furthermore, the degree of freedom that people will enjoy at different levels in an organization needs to be clarified in order for the employees to do their jobs well and efficiently.

As more layers are formed within an organization, the more delayed the decision-making process would become which would ultimately slow down the smooth sailing of the event. If these employees are empowered to take the decisions, then they must also be given the resources that will allow them to carry out their respective duties efficiently and effectively. These resources can either make an event successful or lead to a failure of an event as even if there are able bodied employees ready to do their work, but if they don’t have the resources then there shall be no quality outcome.

The finances and sponsors of the event such as a workshop or conference needs to be accumulated in ample time for it to be an actual successful initiative. This management plan, also needs to be aligned with the philosophy and mission of the organization and the purpose of the initiative being done. If the workshop or conference is being held to attract a large number of donations, in comparison to a conference held to raise awareness, would be two very different ventures with completely different management plans.

A management plan is also helpful in attracting or pacifying stakeholders that all will go smoothly on the day and that their respective stakes are safe within this initiative. It also works like a game of bridge between the project/event/organization and the managing team, allowing it to form a common understanding about it and the details concerning it. The plan is also the basis on which accountability and responsibility are delegated so that if or when someone doesn’t perform their jobs, then they can be held accountable as it was written in the plan about what duties they had to perform.

Synopsis of workshop

The workshop proposes an initiative about the sustainable western dairies and related industries and a detailed report is given regarding its specific findings and conclusion. Most importantly a timely breakdown of how all of its functions are planned and distributed is provided to give a comprehensive management plan shop. The workshop aimed to highlight the importance of salient and important issues in regards to a sustainable dairy and the industries related to it with a concentration on the geographical areas of Idaho and the western United Stated (U.S). The workshop had organized its focus upon three main areas which included financial sustainability referring to making a more efficient, profitable and educated workforce. There was also an emphasis on the social and community sustainability and how they would stand changes within the environment. The last area of focus was on environmental sustainability, which included air, water, soil, and energy resources...................

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