In October 2008, the University of Hong Kong Libraries ("HKU Libraries") has successfully taken the initiative to introduce radio frequency identification ("RFID") in its main library. With RFID initiative, HKU Library plans to continue effective management of public and private resources bestowed upon the institution. In 2008, the library has served a total of 102,676 registered borrowers and collected a total of 2,650,000 points. Managing such a large number of resources has always been a problem for the team management HKU Libraries. Deputy Librarian Peter Sidorko saw promise technology RFID, helping it serve libraries and their users better. After considering the possibility of using RFID, HKU Libraries chose Main Library, one of the seven branches, and first place for the promotion of the initiative RFID. In 2008, the launch was the first step in the implementation of the scheme of RFID. Although the initial use of RFID information has not been compiled, Sidorko had to decide what the next step of this initiative should be. What to consider when Sidorko strategy for future RFID? "Hide
by Benjamin Yen, Boby Shiu Source: University of Hong Kong, 31 pages. Publication Date: September 15, 2009. Prod. #: HKU866-PDF-ENG