Mahgan Logistics Inc. provides outsourced transportations services to its clients. The customers of the company are from different business backgrounds.Also, include retail and grocery stores that deal mostly in hardware, furniture, clothing, and general households to food and beverage items. The company also serves the clients in manufacturing, agricultural and construction sector. In the recent years, the company has also added a home delivery service. This is a profitable business and the performance of the company has been good over the past years. Mahgan is one of the oldest and the largest competitor in this industry.
Although, the retention of the customers for Mahgan was greater than 90%.However, retaining the most profitable current customers, was highly important for the profitability of the firm, as compared to acquiring new customers, which incurred marketing and other costs. Therefore, Joan Folz was specifically interested, to increase the retention of the existing customers of the company. After conducting the interviews with the project managers and the customers.It became clear that, the most important factor for the customers contract renewal was customer service and cost. Thus, the goal should be to enhance the performance of the drivers, which in turn would improve the performance of the project managers.
The primary strategic metric for evaluating the performance of the project managers,who managed the customer contracts was on time delivery percentage. The drivers are a key resource for Mahgan Logistics. The driver data survey has been collected, for a total number of 582 drivers reporting to 75 project managers. Statistical analysis needs to be performed on the survey data, to draw meaningful insights about the variables that affect on the performance of the drivers.The. performance of the project managers, as specified by on time delivery,in the end of this report.Specific recommendations have been made to the management of Mahgan Logistics Inc.
Mahgan Logistics, Inc Harvard Case Solution & Analysis
There are ranges of hypothesis that have been constructed, as part of the statistical analysis.A number of models have been generated on the survey data to draw meaningful insights. The range of null and alternate hypothesis is shown below:
Hypotheses 1
Ho: Driver Attitudes such as job satisfaction, pay, meaning and motivation, do not make a difference in on time delivery performance.
H1: Driver Attitudes such as job satisfaction, pay, meaning and motivation, make a difference in on time delivery performance.
Hypotheses 2
Ho: PM managerial behaviors, as determined by their drivers, do not make a difference in determining driver attitudes.
H2:PM managerial behaviors, as determined by their drivers, make a difference in determining driver attitudes.
Hypotheses 3
Ho:PM managerial behaviors, as determined by their drivers and driver attitudes, do not have any impact on driver turnover rates.
H3: PM managerial behaviors, as determined by their drivers and driver attitudes, have an impact on driver turnover rates.
Hypotheses 4
Ho: Driver turnover does not affect time delivery
H4: Driver turnoveraffects time delivery
Before addressing the specific hypothesis that we have formulated above.We perform a descriptive statistics for all the variables that we have gathered through, the aggregate survey and the turnover and on time deliver variable. The descriptive statistics are shown in table one and table two below for all the variables...............
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