Logistic Regression Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Logistic Regression The case solution  

Data Description

The variables included in the regression, are defined as below

    • no_of_adults: Number of adults
    • no_of_children: Number of Children
    • no_of_weekend_nights: Number of weekend nights (Saturday or Sunday) the guest stayed or booked to stay at the hotel
    • no_of_week_nights: Number of week nights (Monday to Friday) the guest stayed or booked to stay at the hotel
    • type_of_meal_plan: Type of meal plan booked by the customer:
      • Not Selected – No meal plan selected
      • Meal Plan 1 – Breakfast
      • Meal Plan 2 – Half board (breakfast and one other meal)
      • Meal Plan 3 – Full board (breakfast, lunch, and dinner)
    • required_car_parking_space: Does the customer require a car parking space? (0 - No, 1- Yes)
    • room_type_reserved: Type of room reserved by the customer. The values are ciphered (encoded) by Star Hotels Group
    • lead_time: Number of days between the date of booking and the arrival date
    • arrival_year: Year of arrival date
    • arrival_month: Month of arrival date
    • arrival_date: Date of the month
    • market_segment_type: Market segment designation.
    • repeated_guest: Is the customer a repeated guest? (0 - No, 1- Yes)
    • no_of_previous_cancellations: Number of previous bookings that were canceled by the customer prior to the current booking
    • no_of_previous_bookings_not_canceled: Number of previous bookings not canceled by the customer prior to the current booking
    • avg_price_per_room: Average price per day of the reservation; prices of the rooms are dynamic. (in euros)
    • no_of_special_requests: Total number of special requests made by the customer (e.g. high floor, view from the room, etc)
    • booking_status: Flag indicating if the booking was canceled or not.
    • Data Analysis
      In order to determine the data structure, the top ten rows were selected, which are as follows


      As shown below, the data type has been identified for the complete data set, which shows the “object” type data for our key variable i.e. cancelation status. The object type data has been arranged into integer type data i.e. “1 for Cancelled” and “0 for Not-cancelled”.

    • Descriptive Analysis

      The descriptive statistics of the variables are given as below. The descriptive statistics show that the mean number of adults are 1.87, mean number of children 0.11, mean number week end nights 0.83, mean booking status of 0.387 etc. Further descriptive statistics, show the minimum, maximum and standard deviation values, which are given as under

    • Univariate Analysis

      In univariate analysis, univariate descriptive have been calculated for each variable, whereby, the impact of one independent variable over the dependent variable i.e. “booking status” are observed. The mean, minimum, maximum and standard deviation values for each variable are describe above in the descriptive statistics. The frequency of independent variables are shown through histograms, as given below

    • ...............................
    • Logistic Regression The case solution
    • This is just a sample partial case solution. Please place the order on the website to order your own originally done case solution.

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