Literature Review: Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Literature Review: Case Solution

Many scholars have studied Sustainability development Goals in a different context but in this discussion; we are going to discuss the partnerships to achieve the SDGs. Businesses are the figures which are a key player to achieve Sustainable Development goals in the country. Whereas, Partnership is when different businesses work together, share the risks and use the same resources to maximize the profits and achieve the business’s sustainability goals to reduce the adverse environmental effect of the palm oil industry through the collaboration of seven sectors (RSPO). These partnerships start and become mature and Torraco studied the mature stage of the partnerships and stated that at this stage the partnerships went for re-engineering and new concept development based on reviews.(Torraco, 2005)

Whereas, the main focus of the SDGs is to support the developing countries to switch more towards developed and create balance among countries to improve the quality of lives for individuals and save resources for future generations. Developed countries offer debt and aid help to the developing countries like the way IMF works  during any pandemic, because this is the resource share that will help the UN in achieving the SDGs of the world.(Weber, 2017). According to the General development report 2020; the goal for the future is to achieve sustainability through multi-partnerships within the industries because it will make the world a better place for individuals to live on and will allow them to make life easier for them in future which would save the world from destruction. In multi-partnerships, the aim is to bring the sectors to one place and share the issues to get solutions effectively, which tends to  help the countries in achieving sustainable development goals (Murphy & Bendell, 1999).

Partnerships further explain that when the government sectors work together to get one solution for the problems; it will not not only help the SDGs but will also create good relations among the opposite pols of the world because these activities are more positive and encourage positivity among the nations.(Utting&Zammit, 2009)

Kelly and Roche stated that the Australian Council for International Development based on 2020 strategy in which partners in the partnership work together within the nations, because when nations achieve these goals individually then overall world level goals will also be achieved, and these partnerships include the support for civil departments and any changed situations to increase the world’s quality.(Kelly & Roche, 2014)

Conclusively, partnerships are very important in this era where nothing is long-lasting, because countries are involved in the cold war and the sustainable development goals are yet to be achieved because the countries need to achieve and maintain Sustainability development goals because it will save the generations and create a balance in the world..........................


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