Linear Programming Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Linear Programming Case Study Solution 

Linear Programming

CE750 Aircraft’s Fuel Plan

In the CE750 Aircraft’s Fuel Plan, the decision variables that are taken are mentioned in below table.

X1 The fuel needs to be purchased in number of pounds at KMLI
X2 The fuel needs to be purchased in number of pounds at KBOS
X3 The fuel needs to be purchased in number of pounds at KTEB
X4 The fuel needs to be purchased in number of pounds at KDAL
Y1 A binary variable made to define that the ramp fee has been waved or charged at KBOS
Y2 A binary variable made to define that the ramp fee has been waved or charged at KTEB
Y3 A binary variable made to define that the ramp fee has been waved or charged at KDAL


Here, the binary numbers 0 and 1 are used, 1 is representing that the fee is waved while the 0 representing that the fee is charged.

Here, the objective function is used to minimize the total cost of travel which is

Minimum, Z= (3.97*X1+8.35*X2+7.47*X3+6.01*X4+3.97*X5) / 6.7 + (800*Y1+450*Y2+400*Y3)

In addition to this, there are multiple constraints are used which are the

Relation between X and Y
KBOS (1-Y1) * 500 * 6.7 0
KTEB (1-Y2) * 300 * 6.7 2,010
KDAL (1-Y3) * 350 * 6.7 2,590
Fuel Tank constraints
KMLI X1+ 7,000 13,000
KBOS X1 + X2+ 7,000 - 4,800 13,000
KTEB X1 + X2+ 7,000 - 4,800+ X3- 2,000 13,000
KDAL X1+ X2+7,000 - 4,800 + X3 + X4- 5,300- 2,000 13,000
KMLI X1+ X2+7,000 - 4,800 + X3 + X4- 5,300 - 2,000 + X5 - 3100 13,000
Minimum Fuel Constraints
KMLI 7,000 – 4,800+ X1 2,400
KBOS 7,000 + X1 + X2– 4,800 – 2,000 2,400
KTEB 7,000 + X1+ X2 + X3– 2,000 – 5,300 – 4,800 2,400
KDAL 7,000 + X1 + X2 + X3 + X4– 3,100 – 4,800- 2,000 – 5,300 2,400
Maximum Ramp Weight
KMLI 22,200 + 7,000 + 2 * 200+ X1 36,400
KBOS 22,200 + 7,000 + 4 * 200 – 4,800 + X1+ X2 36,400
KTEB 22,200 + 7,000 + X1 + 8 * 200 – 2,000 + X3 – 4,800 + X2 36,400
KDAL 22,200 + 7,000 + X1 + 8 * 200 – 2,000 + X3 – 4,800 + X2– 5,300 + X4 36,400
Maximum Landing weight
KMLI 22,200 + 7,000 + 2 * 200 – 4,800+ X1 31,800
KBOS 22,200 + 7,000 + X1 + 4 * 200 – 2,000 – 4,800 + X2 31,800
KTEB 22,200 + 7,000 + X1 + 8 * 200 – 2,000 – 4,800 + X2 + X3– 5,300 31,800
KDAL 22,200 + 7,000 + X1 + 8 * 200 – 2,000 – 4,800 + X2 + X3– 5,300 + X4– 3,100 31,800


In addition to this, the constraint has been used that all the decision variables must be an integer.

The linear programming model is looking like

  X1 X2 X3 X4 X4
Fuel need to bought 6000 0 2010 2590 4600
Price of fuel ($/gallon) 3.97 8.35 7.47 6.01 3.97
Ramp Fee Waiver Binary Variable Defining
KBOS 1 800 Y1    
KTEB 0 450 Y2    
KDAL 0 400 Y3    
Objective Function
Minimize              11,645


This model gives us the minimum fuel cost of $ 11,645 in which the KMLI will need to bought 6,000 pounds fuel, KBOS will need to bought 0 pounds fuel, KTEB will need to bought 2,010 pounds fuel, KDAL will need to bought 2,590 pounds fuel and KMIL will need to bought 4,600 pounds fuel.

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