LeShop, the first online supermarket in Switzerland, was launched in 1998 at the heart of the web boom. Christian Wanner, its CEO, considered that the potential of the online grocery market was huge and anticipated his business to carry on showing double-digit growth rates for years. To be able to capitalize on this particular potential, LeShop confronted several challenges.
Leshop A Success Story In The Online Grocery Market Case Study Solution
How could it attract more customers and boost the order frequency of present users? Could it further optimize its operations to better meet consumers' needs while keeping fulfillment prices to the absolute minimum? Finally, what tactical alternatives did it have for growth and diversification? Learning objectives: Challenges confronted by grocery retailers that are on-line, particularly strategies used for enhancing profitability and driving growth. Marketing strategies to drive faithfulness and trial. Comparison of various internet business models, with special concentration on delivery and order fulfillment. Diversification and growth strategies.
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