Lehman Brothers and Repo 105 Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

The collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008 was the largest bankruptcy in US history. The case examines the economics of the off-balance sheet transactions Lehman highlights the corporate governance challenges, and undertook prior to the fall in scenarios where companies face capital market pressure and market declines.


In particular, the case examines the financial accounting, auditing and internal management control practices round the Repo 105 transactions, which had a significant effect on the leverage position of the company. Basically structured on the findings of the bankruptcy examiner's report, the case concentrates on the function that outside auditors management, and the audit committee played in what amounted to a significant control failure.

PUBLICATION DATE: October 13, 2011 PRODUCT #: 112050-HCB-ENG

This is just an excerpt. This case is about FINANCE & ACCOUNTING

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