The world renowned toymaker, The LEGO Group (LEGO), assembles an internal management team to develop a strategic report on LEGO's different product lines and business operations. Recently, numerous threats had appeared against LEGO in toy industry. The acquisition of Marvel Entertainment by The Walt Disney Company created important implications for toy permit deals that were precious.
Lego Group Building Strategy Case Study Solution
Furthermore, new rivalry is preparing to go into the marketplace from Hasbro, the second-biggest toymaker on the planet, together with the company found a new rival product line O. It's crucial for the management team to identify where to expand Lego's product lines and business operations, to be able to create a competitive strategy to carry on the organization's recent years of fiscal success and dominance in the construction toy marketplace.
PUBLICATION DATE: September 13, 2011 PRODUCT #: W11169-PDF-ENG
This is just an excerpt. This case is about STRATEGY & EXECUTION