With the controversy surrounding the comments Larry Summers "about innate differences between men and women in the background, and when considering whether there are gender differences in the competitive arena of negotiations. Reviews studies documenting the effect of negotiators beliefs and motivations on performance, focusing on gender stereotypes and their message the inability of women to perform on par with their male counterparts in the business relationship. Documents different effect on the performance of stereotypes that operate below the threshold of consciousness against the stereotypes that are in the open, and in particular explores gender stereotypes in the context of the broader issue of the negotiations. Such stereotypes affect both objective and subjective power to the table. After giving way understanding that gender stereotypes work, determines the strategy to mitigate the potential adverse effects and instead uses them to encourage greater productivity. "Hide
by Laura J . province Source: California Management Review 16 pages. Publication Date: November 1, 2007. Prod. #: CMR383-PDF-ENG