Transfer of perinatal services at St. Joseph's Health Centre (SJHC) services for women and children in the London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC), including relocation of clinical programs, 500 employees and 40 physicians. Perinatal program in SJHC was among the top programs in the hospital and has been recognized as a world-class tertiary perinatal program for more than 30 years. Comprehensive care hospitals for newborns including assistance for very sick children and extremely premature infants. Transition to LHSC was a source of great concern to key stakeholders, leading scientists and specialists with great negative impact on the morale of the recruitment, retention and staff. Vice president, acute and outpatient care in SJHC and vice president, women and children in the LHSC clinical units were assigned to help prepare leaders at all stages of the restructuring. On their agenda were the following: culture, safety procedures, team conflict, excessive turnover, structure, management orientation, among others. Where do they begin?;, And how they can get doctors, patient care leaders and staff think in the last six months, given that there are many issues that keep them busy on a daily, weekly and monthly basis "Hide
on Gerard Seijts, Ken Mark Source: Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation 19 pages. Publication Date: October 12, 2006. Prod. #: 906C10-PDF-ENG