This case demonstrates about a social enterprise considering whether a for-profit model might be an effective strategy to scale its impact. Mexico City-based La Vaca Independiente (The Independent Cow) was founded to bring artwork to underprivileged kids. The creator observed that humanity's increasing state of isolation causes many international problems, with people disconnected from each other and from earth. She concluded that most benefit corporations address outcomes of isolationism, but that La Vaca could target the issue personally.
La Vaca emphasized entirely on a plan called Developing Intelligence through Art (DIA). Using art as a stimulus for thought and dialogue, DIA supplied people with opportunities to come up with meaning in their own lives. She considered, predicated on signs that companies lose annual sales because of the effects of isolationism on their employees, that she and her team could pursue a for-profit business model in order to expose La Vaca to opportunities and markets unapproachable to a charitable organization.
PUBLICATION DATE: October 18, 2013 PRODUCT #: W13445-HCB-ENG
This is just an excerpt. This case is about LEADERSHIP & MANAGING PEOPLE