This case is a sudden and very large drop in the market value of equity for Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc is associated with a number of applications in 2004. These statements caused investors to revise their expectations about the future growth of Krispy Kreme, which was one of the fastest growing U.S. companies in the new millennium. The task of the student is to evaluate the impact of these ads, and to assess the financial condition of the company. This case is designed for the entrance: it can provide a first exercise in financial statement analysis and lay the foundation for the two most important financial topics, the concept of financial "health" and the financial and economic definition of "value" and its determinants ". Hide
by Robert F. Bruner and Sean Carr Source: Darden School of Business 16 pages. Publication Date: November 14, 2005. Prod. #: UV1369-PDF-ENG