Kingfisher Airlines: Managing Multiple Stakeholders Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

The case is based on the crisis faced by Kingfisher Airlines in November 2011. He describes the paradox faced by the airline industry in India, which has experienced exponential growth in passenger, but with the exception of IndiGo Airlines, all airlines are not able to make a profit. However, in general, airlines did better than full service airlines. Apart from the state Air India, Kingfisher Airlines, a full service airline, was in the worst shape and close to bankruptcy during this period. The lack of money has forced airlines to cancel about 35 flights a day, in November 2011, disappointing customers, the only group of stakeholders that he was happy with the airline. This event brought the entire industry under public control. Use for stakeholders, the case shows that, due to excessive focus on one group of stakeholders, customers and neglect the other four groups of stakeholders, namely, suppliers, employees, communities and society, including government agencies, as well as owners or shareholders, business was nearly bankrupt. Senior management should identify a strategy that reengages with all interested parties to get them to support him in the struggle for survival and Kingfisher airlines to put on the track of recovery. "Hide
on Abhoy Ojha Source: Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore 10 pages. Publication Date: March 1, 2012. Prod. #: IMB353-PDF-ENG

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