This case, set in 2008, examines how Google works to avoid potential negative by-products of rapid growth, such as: bureaucracy, slow decision making, lack of visibility and organizational inconsistency. When it hero, Kim Scott, started with Google in 2004, she wondered whether she would still be there in a few years, as she liked to small, entrepreneurial companies. In 2008, she was glad that Google still had the same entrepreneurial energy that he had when she joined. She and her colleagues speculate how Google was able to preserve their culture, as the company continues to be doubled. "Hide
case solution
" width="288" height="288" /> keeping google googley case solutionby Boris Groysberg, David Thomas, Alison Berkley Wagonfeld Source: HBS Premier Case Collection 23 pages. Publication Date: Sep 04, 2008. Prod. #: 409039-PDF-ENG