Kaskazi Network Ltd – Distributing to the Bottom of the Pyramid (B) Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

This is the second part of a series of cases dealing with the distribution of FMCG (FMCG) in low-income countries (slums) in Kenya. He describes the successful launch Kaskazi network - a revolutionary concept of distribution by bike to the "bottom of the pyramid." This shows how Wanjohi deal with key stakeholders (FMCG manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers), as well as operational issues and personnel policies. Learning objectives: a series of cases will be suitable for a basic course marketing (with the market challenge, distribution and retail issues in Africa), the rate of the supply chain (distribution issues in Africa), of course business (working with business growth strategies) or the general rate management. In all of these courses, a series of cases can be used to illustrate the problems and difficulties of achieving low income customers in developing countries. "Hide
by Leif Sheblom, Winifred Karugu, Lisa Schuepbach Source: IMD 12 pages. Publication Date: September 3, 2008. Prod. #: IMD387-PDF-ENG

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