This case demonstrates the deliberate along with organizational argument that Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) confronted amid 2008 and 2012.
In the year 2008, in order to strengthen the firm's brokerage team, JLL unified with The Staubach Company, a real estate service sustainer along with a first-rate brokerage group and great cultural fit with the JLL. Staubach paid the brokers with a commission model, which hastened JLL's decision to let go of its long-standing salary and bonus strategy.
The amalgamation also surfaced two fascinating business opportunities. Local agents were now empowered and motivated to open up their client relationships to the rest of the organization, growing their business from just transactions that were local to the full array of services JLL supplied.Local agents became conscious of a great number of midsized clients whose real estate needs were not as sophisticated as the ones of big corporate accounts but who required multi-service alternatives in selected geographies. Toward 2012, with its organizational structure expanding to tackle opportunities for multiple types of clients in a myriad of geographies, JLL was facing challenges associated with handling internal and external sophistication. America's CEO Peter Roberts summarizes the opportunities and challenges that lied ahead for JLL.
PUBLICATION DATE: March 11, 2013 PRODUCT #: 113117-PDF-ENG
This is just an excerpt. This case is about STRATEGY & EXECUTION